I like Michaelangelo Signorile... I do...

Anyone who gets up on a pedestal in a New York Church in the 80's and calls the then cardinal and now Pope the Anntichrist, has my respect. (It was the AIDS crisis, and he was an activist... and the then Cardinal's remarks were unspeakable.)

But to understand the 'crazy' going on in the US, this interview is amazing. WHY are people so misinformed? Sure, this lady truck driver is going nuts because her mother is dying, and you would THINK that it would make HER think... somehow. Raging fear, or something... And seemingly busting her ass to pay the bills.

And that is where the discussion gets de-railed. If there is that much rage... you cannot have a civil discourse. And that is the problem.

Civility is something a lot of Americans lost a long time ago. But it escalated into screaming.

If this is something people hear every day on the radio, boy howdy, it is a bleak picture of what US 'culture' has become. Listen closely...

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