Ok, this is ridiculous, and so typical of the msm...

I first got the hint from Steven Colbert's show yesterday. And it went viral......

Obama picked a Supreme Justice candidate, and the other side went so LOW as to cast aspersions.. The Talking points: She was never married, never had a child. She plays softball. (Oh my gawwd). She smokes cigars sometimes. Which makes her.... shhhh!!!!... a lesbian?


Wow, oh just wow... This is so fucking sick, I can't find the words any more. I've seen some total smears in my life in politics in NH. This is so below the belt, I am fighting angry. And it is just political, and the ones running it aren't people with consciounses. Soulless.

They are just pissed off over the Harriet Meiers debacle, and it is payback time.

But to denigrate someone like that..... oh boy...

Well what about 'golden boy' John Roberts who has proably had more rent boys than anyone knows.....

I would like to punch him in his smug face rather than look at him.

Look, am on the GBLT theme today, but some things really piss me off. I really do not care about who gets elected to SCOTUS. I DO care about a balance there. And for the right to come after her for maybe being lesbian, and hey, she didn't propagate.....

Well, uh-huh...

I would rather have Rachel Maddow be on the Supreme Court, because she is rational, and out, and a wonderful person. And fair, I respect her intellect and integrity.

I do not know who Elena Kagan is... but this sort of smear before it even goes to comittee, just sucks.

This is a smear that is so beneath anything ethical, I could just holler.

Leave it to the Repubs, who do very odious things, and then point their fingers at other people.

Disgusting, and this will not be an ongoing topic. It makes me nauseous.

2 Responses to "Ok, this is ridiculous, and so typical of the msm..."

CC McGoon says
13 May 2010 at 06:45

The Talking points: She was never married, never had a child. She plays softball. (Oh my gawwd). She smokes cigars somethimes. Which makes her.... shhhh!!!!... a lesbian?

I've never been married or had children. I played softball for something like 7 or 8 years. And I smoke.

I did not realize that these things make me a big ol' lesbian, but obviously I was wrong.

Consider me learned.

RenB says
13 May 2010 at 07:15

Pshaw, CC, you are so edjumacated I look like a dim light bulb in comparison, and you shine intensely, as we know.

Obviously, Kagan doesn't have a paper trail, so what else can the oppostition do than go way below the belt-line, and get dirty? It's their MO.

On the other hand, your 'confession' is a bit worrying. Oh yes. I didn't like baseball as a kid, too much waiting. Football was too rough. I always had my face in a book. I was good at jump-rope, even double dutch.

How I ever got to adulthood without being killed once a day I will never know.

And let's see, am 60, never propagated, although I did want to get married once.

To a woman, even. And have been known to smoke a cigar now and then.

So I guess I am a lesbian as well. Which shows how illogical my thinking is.

Look, it took me 26 years to figure it out and accept facts as being facts.

Cripes, I just hate stereotypes.