Crazy reporting

Olberman had a field day with the media's handling of the earthquake, and especially got a belly laugh that virtually every network blew themselves up to pompous proportions and solemnly assured everyone there was no danger of a tsunami.

Reallah.... Seeing that the epicenter was well inland, why would anyone think... oh well, I don't wanna go there.

And of course, the Rethugs bitched about Obama being on vacation and golfing when it hit. If he'd been in the White House, they probably would have claimed he took refuge in some sub-level high-security dungeon, or something... wouldn't put it past them, the suckas...

But my belly laugh of the evening came late evenings here. I called up my Soap, and there is this real villainess in it named Dorian... who is leaving the show, and her story-line is that she's going to become a Senator.

Right below the screen was the 'best comment of the day', highlighted. It read: 'Do you think Dorian did it?'

That had me roaring with laughter. I loved the light-hearted snarkiness behind that.

Na ja, 'chacun a son gout'. (sorry, don't have the French signs for that one on the keyboard.

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