Hmmm gaming online

My dvd element was never alive... I think Peter killed it trying to watch porn on it or something, so I can't look at a lot of the neat stuff I collected or play my absolute FAVORITE, Baldur's Gate. It took me five years to get through the entire collection. Yeah, I'm slow like that. But there were five editions to get through, you see, and I loved it because it wasn't just killing monsters or anything... there was a hell of a lot to do. It's probably outdated now, but was innovative for the time. And time goes fast in the programming world.

So I was tired of my simple mah-jong game to pass time, although I like it enough. And my cribbage game went the way of the past as it was locked in Lazarus... So I went looking for something to play on-line that was free, and not too huge as far as Gigabites go. And chose something called 'Last Chaos'.

Good 3-D graphics, but no sound. But after spending an afternoon getting my bearings as to what you are supposed to DO... no real tutorials or guides, nah... they wanna get you involved with other people, you see. So you can sign up with expert players to help tutor you, if you wish. Nahhhh... I thought 'you either figure it out or you don't and delete it.'

So I chose a knight and named him Sir Arrogant Numbskull... having re-watched Bleak House recently, and figured that would keep unwanted requests to join a group, because I thought I could form a group with the computer figures.... but am seemingly wrong, so I have a rogue knight... and still got 'invited' out to play.

As pure neophyte, I really don't think Sir Arrogant N would be of much help to anyone. Except as cannon fodder.

Won't bore anyone, but some of the technical advances surprised me... Like seeing other players' avatars galloping past me on horseback.

And that is how the people who run it make money. You can win gold coins all over the place and buy upgrades on your armor and weapons.... but if you want the GOOD stuff... you have to go to their REAL shop and buy it with real money. Thus the horses, ponies, people with doggies, it's surreal, sort of.

Now there is now way I will pay out good money for that, but I can understand the principle of it. Sir Arrogant is just gonna haveta get used to running, and getting blisters on his feet till they harden up.

There are over three million people who are regisgtered players on it mostly in Europe, and you can chat live as well, if you wish, which I didn't. So you 'talk' to figures who give you quests to fulfill, which ups the experience level, and you just keep on going on, I guess. There's a mystery as to who the character is, because Sir A has amnesia, and no one has helped. Yet.... Very odd indeed.

Whatever, as long as it's in the freebie range, it's something to pass an afternoon with and fairly amusing.

Where did my life go? he asks...

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