Ok, I kept quiet....

a few weeks ago when I read they were opening an Arnold Schwarzenegger museum in the house he was born in outside of town. Well we already had that in the stadium that was named after him for a short time, and it was closed due to disinterest and few visitors. I gleefully read that the artifacts landed in a barn somewhere in Rumania. Dusted off my hands, thought... 'justice done'. But no, they are baaaack, Preciouses. And they are going to show his governor's desk, and Hoororwood pictures, why it's gonna be just dandy. And there will be a life-sized statue outside, just to make sure that everyone gets the point: he IS somebody... or something of the sort.

And yes, I kept quiet. I gagged a bit, but why get someone upset, you know?

The fact has always been that most people thought and still think he is a joke, but there is a circle of sycophants who would like nothing better than to be his personal lower intestinal acrobat and make him feel good.

So I wrote nothing about it.

However.... after a nice evening of playing my game on line and getting my figure up to level 14... which was a lot of work, chasing werewolves, and sasquatches, and the like... I finally called it a night, and opened my browser, which starts with my mail and has headlines and news in german.

And the main news story was about Ahnuld and his wife. 'Can they find their way back to getting together?' the headline screamed. And that DID it for me. How idiotic ARE the 'journaille'... a bastardised word compressing 'journalist' and 'canaille'. Sleazy, but it fits, hey.

Who the fuck cares, and why would anyone want to know?

It's their business. And his wife----well she must have known what an uneducated and crass lout he is...

Why bother people with it? Are their lives so uninteresting they can only live vicariously?

The only good thing about Ahnuld is that he inadverdantly helped me find the best friend I have. Because we both detest him.

Talk about irritating....

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