ohhh...my.... gawwd... INSIPID!

Checked the 'up to the minute' news on CBS news regarding hurricane Irene. If you want some new cavities in your brain otherwise caused by diabetes.... this called for an eye-wash, and the most unforgiveable panic-making I've seen since I don't know when.

And let me tell you, they NEVAH reported like this when Katrina was approaching NOLA. Only the national weather service did diligent duty.

After making the East Coast the laughing stock of the US for Californians after the earthquake a few days ago, the media decided to go all 'fear-making' for the Northeast. Which is ridiculous. Surely, there have been once-in-a-century hurricanes which reached the Northeast, and did some significant structural damage... da Ven remembers one, and the river swelled and went right up to the main street up a steep hill... and knocked out footbridges over the river between mills. It was a one time thing.

HE was just a kid, and went out to 'enjoy' the wild weather. I hope he behaves himself this weekend. He's an hour's drive inland, and lives on a high hill. And before he goes and pooh-poohs my delivering a Ukas telling him to stay indoors... well that is what he commanded me to do when a cat 1 hit us when I was a teen.. Take a lesson, Dad. You didn't let ME go meandering about, now didja.

Am more concerned for my cousins who live only a few miles inland from the coast. That won't be good, even if it is a Cat 1.

All the rest of the reporting was 'instilling fear' and they do it so well. With a fluff piece about NY 'fashionistas' buying rubber boots with high heels at two hundred dollars a pop.

I threw up in my mouf.

Typical journaille.

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