Just one more thing about Irene, and will give it a rest

Am I worried? Of course I am. I have fambly up and down the Eastern seaboard, so of COURSE I worry. But I can't BE there.

What has riled me is the reporting, and the vapid minds behind what 'they' think is news.

Looming natural disasters are frightening, say what one wishes. And you 'hope' your loved ones get through them somehow in one piece. That is a no-brainer.

What galls me is that one demographic seems to be more important to the media than others, hence this frantic fear-making. They are afraid for themselves.

And some demographics don't count as much as others. I will NEVER forget how shabbily Katrina was handled, not even in the international news. And am not minimising the potential that Irene is gonna wreak. But it will hopefully be more structural damage than costing human lives.

I find that to be a double standard. And of course, there's suddenly fear and loathing in D.C., because They are threatened, and of course, THEY are ''entitled' somehow, fearing that their cushy life might hit a speed bump. And 'their' lives are somehow 'worth' more.

And New Yawk isn't any better, no matter what the political stripe is. They're 'better', after all.... Or think so.

I miss practicality. Targeting people who are really in danger, and giving guidelines, and letting them know how to protect themselves.

My gawwd... When the fall-out from Tschernobyl hit us, it was calm, and on the radio, and there wasn't MUCH you could do, but the government hit the ground running. They weren't going to let us eat anything contaminated, and they did a lot in a hopeless situation.

NOLA? Katrina? They let people drown in the water and their own excrement for a week. It should be a mark of national shame. And no, those people weren't 'entitled'. So much the worse for them.

As above... all I wish for is the practical. And good organisation. If this one goes wrong..... again... it won't be pretty.

But high-heeled rubber boots? That's an answer?

Some people deserve what they get for being vain.

Where is 'common sense'? Did they lobotimise the country and just let people become sheeple?

Yes, it bothers me, and I worry. Shoot me.

2 Responses to "Just one more thing about Irene, and will give it a rest"


Seacoast Family OK, did not get the brunt of storm, not to worry, all is well. First time comment, hope it is right.

RenB says
31 August 2011 at 20:35

Am so happy to know that. But already 'toldja so'...