I AM GOING to AFRIKA tomorrow! Well, who would have THUNK it???

I was so unsuspecting. Mostly because I took an afternoon nap after being up from three a.m. and watching Soaps, and the news from yesterday, the highlight of which was seeing Rachel Maddow doing her show live for the second day this week, and oh boy, doing it in front of nine hundred people at the YMCA on 92nd street was stupendous to watch... Otherwise, it was depressing.

And the SOAPS, hey, it's Christmas, they should be over-whelming with good cheer, and blather, and people sucking up to one another, but NO, it was cancer, and murder charges, and deeply dark Dickensian shit, and the trees were more European, white lights, and everything color coordinated on the trees, like some of my nightmares. So I retired.

Then the phone rang. Peter. 'I'm in Afrika, can you come and visit?' (Funny, last time I heard, he was in Gamlitz and I was supposed to go to the Xmas party there tomorrow.)

'Really? Where in Afrika ARE you?'

'I don't know, but you have to get a ticket to come see me, and take the most expensive one. I'll pay for it.'

(ooooo, he lurvs me...)

'Are there Gazelles, and crocodiles there?'

'I don't know yet. Just get on a plane and come see me.'

'Good, I'll try to pin-point you on the internet, and parachute in, ok?'

(Never wake me out of a deep sleep, I snark.)

'NOOO, you land in the MACHINE!'

'Well how can I find you if I don't know where you ARE????'

'I'll figure it out.'

'Are you SURE there aren't any gazelles and crocodiles?'

'No, haven't seen any yet...'

'Well, I'll see you tomorrow, ok? I will find you.'


My supposition: the rooms have flat-screen tee-vee, he loves watching documentaries, and probably saw some nature thing, fell asleep.... and thought he was in Afrika.

Sigh... it upsets me greatly on the one hand. On the other, I had to laugh, although it wasn't a laughing matter, but do have a sense of the absurd and what is scurrile...

Tja, happy horridays.

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