Oh, this is rich...

And Annti is gonna love it, the man we all love to hate.

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Somehow, I don't think Nigeria will back down.

And Obama cowed the Spaniards?


Good heavens, they tried to impeach Clinton because he ejaculated on Monica Lewinsky's dress, but to go after people who committed war crimes? Well, I don't even want to speculate on why not, but hell... rich people get away with REAL crimes all the time.

Short term gains and long time big losses. It's never changed there.

2 Responses to "Oh, this is rich..."

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
4 December 2010 at 06:02

"The man we all love to hate..."

Which one, Big-Head or Darth?


Dammit, by now, the universe OWES US THIS ONE!!!!!! Y'know, along with all of the hundreds of thousands of people that cocksucker's murdered over the years.

RenB says
4 December 2010 at 11:32

Aber, aber! (Tsk Tsk) Annti, I just wanted you to have a moment of hope. I've been hoping for years and it seems unlikely, but fun to contemplate, and I don't think the noun was appropriate.

To paraphrase Lenny Bruce, 'I'd never tell anyone to kiss my ass. Some people get pleasure from it. And I wouldn't want anyone I hate to give me pleasure.' Or something like that.

Get my drift?

My next one is gonna drive you nuts... Take a valium.

Think pretty thoughts....