I just went Rambo.... or something....

Y'know... I don't KNOW what gets into me sometimes, I really do not.

I just did something AWFUL. The EVIL Ren, who just goes off the charts for doing what's right and damn the consequences.

Oh yeah, it's Peter again.... Who else would get my blood to the boiling point?

He kept his terror calls to three today. The second set me off.

His breathing is bad, and it is something you cannot FAKE. He said he couldn't catch his breath.

'Don't you get oxygen?'


And then I went OFF the charts for patience.... and called the home.

'I'm calling about Peter P. He's NOT getting AIR. WHY isn't he on an oxgyen tank?'

I 'think' she sounded panicked.

'We'll really look into it immediately.'


Third call, he just found out on the 'news' that there is a very extreme grippe going around down there, and it is very dangerous.

And he is hacking and coughing, and it isn't a put-on, I know the difference.

What a x-mas... and tomorrow... I'm going to Afrika. Shoot me.

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