Ach, poor Lazarus, have known him so well... shee-it! A Requiem.

Lazarus is my pc. He is over fifteen years old, and for a pc, well, I guess he is approximately 100. Built just for me.

At the time he was the fastest processor on the market. 366 Megahertz, ooooooo... And a twentyfive megabyte working cache.... ooooooo...

I always took good care of him. He has been my window to the world. When he was younger, he even let me use a web cam, and talk to people. He got his little hiccups, and some illnesses, but he was a brave pc, he really was.

And then he got REALLY ill, went into a coma twice, and died. I thought. But somehow he came back again, limping along..... Lost his voice, but could wink at me and show me things.... He is a humoungous big set, and takes up my 'computer island', as I like to call it.

I am planning to get a lap-top, for a long time now. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, even when he couldn't show a full page of news and the screen froze. And then you have to re-start, and begin again. Despite DSL.

I think I liked Lazarus so much because he fully died on me, and I did first aid on his overblown metal body. And NO, am not Jeebus. He might have helped, but what do I know...

He has lost his voice. And I can't fix that. He is barely functional nowadays. But he is MY Lazarus. Peter made me pay him monthly rates for him, because I didn't have the funds in hand, and I did it and was so pissed off, ok, let's let that slide. But he's been mine.

This morning I tried to turn him on... (by pressing a button, you Hirnies...) And Lazarus began wheezing. And it sounded like heart-asthmna..... errr, errrr, wheeze, achhhh hach, errr.

(Throw up....)

Obviously he got up and running, but there comes a time and you have to let them fucking rest.

He has to hold on till Thursday. And am afraid to turn him off. He is quiet.

On the other hand, if you have a pc that takes care of you over a decade and a half, you got a good one....

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