Ok, Lazarus isn't letting me do anything tonight....

Go over to Americablog and see the newest most disgusting thing I have ever seen in an election campaign. A young woman, McCain campaigner, claimed she was attacked by an African American man while she was at an ATM machine, and he carved a 'B' in her cheek, for 'Barack', of course.

Except, you see, it wasn't true. She made it up. And disfigured herself in the process.

I've always thought that Republicans are out of the stratosphere for crazy, and hateful. But that added a new dimension to the word 'hate'.

The GOOD news is that it only took her twenty years to discredit her credibility forever, and it will be a damning addition to the McCain Pailin campaign. I've been too revolted to comment on that lately. Slime and hatred, and unqualified people really turn me off.

Unless something bad happens in the next week, bye-bye McSame, and Gov. Palin? It was a delight to meet'cha. (Wink) Even if anyone with half a brain immediately recognised you are a cobra.... But what the hell, you got a lot of nice clothes you can recycle and re-tailor in your special place in a living hell, where you aren't 'significant' any more, and can't get people riled up and spew your special brand of hate. What the hell is it with a special brand of American women?

I give up trying to understand, honestly.....

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