Scary advertising, creepy day

For a few days now, there is this ad running on the private stations in Germany. You contact this company, and they send you an envelope, and you put in your gold teeth fillings, and old rings and such, and they send money to your private account. And all in a matter of fact tone. It FREAKS me. And shocks me, and makes me very angry, because there are a lot of old associations with gold tooth fillings here... If it were a Mel Brooks send-up, I would probably laugh...

But it is dead serious, and just goes to show where greed and fear of losing what you have can take you to some extreme....

Otherwise, got good news and bad news today. Was at my otometrist's. Because of my cataract. I only went because I keep tripping and falling down when the light isn't good, like at twilight. And can't distinguish between similar shades of colors, and then trip. She said my spatial vision is good, and I don't need stronger lenses, thank whomever.... BUT.... (There is always a 'but') she asked about my blood pressure, and I said it is high but am taking something for it. Only I didn't for the last six weeks. And said all the blood vessels in there are too constricted.

So I got drops and a repeat command performance in the afternoon. For some reason....

Is it still too late to cancel this year before it is too late?

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