I 'thought' this was a nice day..... I did... if odd, but what the hell am a drama queen....

It began at four a.m.

I had an e-mail from an ex-colleague whom I really appreciate, and is funny and smart, and he wanted to go out and talk.

So we did. In a sort of weird place, which has a nice ambience, and you can talk, and the music is sort of jazz but not loud.

He seemed to like it, thank whomever...

And we talked for over four hours.

Of course some of it was about the no-tell HO-tel..

He is going to be a doctor soon. That takes a long time here.

And I was never sure if it was a calling, or just wanting money.

And we got to talking about intimate things, and he told me a story.

Which I cannot divulge. But it brought him about sixteen notches upwards in my estimation and esteem. And it was fairly high already. I wish I could sing his praises further, but.... I promised to be silent.

And he is cultivated, very funny, and boy, does he have heart.

And I wish that one day he will really be happy and find the other side of the coin and marry.

Call me yenta....

Tja, the other side of the coin came fast enough. W. called, the French Foreign Legion Guy. And wanted me to check his translation of a letter to a lady in China. So I moseyed on over, and whaddaya know..... Rudy Doody (as Peter calls him) ripped out all his wires to his fuse box. He used to be the Hausmeister. Used to be. And took me and Peter for such a ride, I can't even BEGIN.... So there was no electric....

It was so crass, I said, WHAAA?

W. was downstairs in the restaurant. I wasn't exactly quiet. Burned me up.

We talked for a very long time. And I said, 'This shit has got to stop, your war with those two.'

They cut off his hot water, they cut off his electricity, he got pummeled several times by the former janitor's wife, and today she kicked him where it hurts a man most.... Good GOD!

And now comes the BEST part. Rudy-Dooody FORBADE him to see me in his room. And Diabetic Peter in the next room wanted to know what the hell I was doing so long in his room.

I am so speechless with these fuckers I could just SPIT!

So I said to W. 'You know what? Next time those fuckers ask what I'm doing up there, tell them you are watching a slide show of all your ladies on the computer, whileI give you a blow job. But you can only say it if you say it was the best you EVER had.... I have to maintain my reputation, after all.'

He fell apart.

And I said, 'Why not? It will drive them fucking crazy. And you still get to be macho.'

After that we calmed down. Rudy Doody can send my blood pressure to unknown heights.

W. has always shown me friendship. When I met him, he said he hated Americans and gays. Swell. So this evening, and we have shared many things over this year, I asked him... 'How the FUCK can you trust me if you hate Americans?' And he said, 'Because you're not....' (speechless....) 'And why do you hate gay people, I never wanted to come on to you.--...?

And he said, 'no, I realise that. People can learn. And you are a nice friend.'

And no, no interest on my part. He is a friend. A neighbor. And had a horrible case of PTSD when I met him this year. I think it has gotten better. He would never look you in the eye.

Ya know... people don't have to be wounded physically to be hurt.... And this year... W. Am glad I had the time and the strength to help, it was more important than my shit.

Am very tired, and going back under the bed. Nite-.......

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