I was gonna do a post about this, but got the flu...

And then Pam just dug out all the crap, and it was even worse than seeing that sumenabitch on tee-vee with his 'wife' playing the perfect family, and giving us one full hour of bull-shit on Larry King. And I do NOT feel, and did not feel sorry for that woman for one second. Women KNOW...

And every time I see that sickening mouth of his smiling at the most inappropriate moments, I want to smash a fist into that hypocritical mouf.... Asshole.

Ted Haggard should go to the bottom of the shit pile and never get a voice on national tee-vee ever again. I do not understand the fascination with that hypocrite.

And today we had 'That Serb' on Larry King, Zdravko Blagojevich.... whining. (Oh yes, they call him 'Rod', but it isn't his given name.) So innocent, hey. He has that hair sweep so that you can't see what a neanderthal hair-line he really has. And then an editor from the Chicago Trib, actually says, 'That was par for the course in Illinois politics, but he got caught.' Uh-huh....

I could just throw up. And ask myself, why do I even WATCH this shit?

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