Does anyone know a remedy...

To stop your eyes from 'sweating'???

Because I do NOT.

oh. oh. I do NOT want to GO there. I just do NOT.

Jeebus F'n Cripes.

Fun, huh? I would have spent a mess of money today to get to where Peter wasn't any more, because I am too insignificant to matter to the people in Wagna. Gamlitz would have called me, they have.

I think they gave up on him. In Wagna.

Oh, this is so bad... owww. They didn't do doodley squat for him. Oh yeah, I found him. Holy crap... His voice is an echo of what it was, they didn't do shit for his lungs. It's 'reedy' a whisper of what it was.

I sort of have faith in medicine here. I do. But I guess I am gonna haveta just accept that he won't get better.

We all have to accept that one day, there is only an exit door, and people go through it, and leave you all alone.

Till it is your turn to go through that door.

I'm going to have to be strong.

The horrible thing is: I DON'T KNOW HOW!

Not right now, at any rate. I have Sunday to figure it out, Am not a Wuss... but THAT call, was like a knife cutting me.

And I KNOW they have dying rooms in the basement.

And HE sounds TERRIBLE.

I can say, 'I love you', odd, but I still can. And he can still say, 'Oh, my dearest dearest beloved friend I love you too.... '

And I want to SCREAM at him, and yell, 'Then get BETTER, dammit!'

But I don't think that this time, it will happen.

Oh listen, I KNOW this happens all the time. I KNOW that people lose people whom they cherish and love, and it isn't 'special'. Everyone goes through it. I KNOW this. I've been around long enough to offer a shoulder, give what comfort I can, I'm not exactly stoopid...

This weekend is gonna be lonnnnng.

And heart-breaking. The best people give you one hell of a roller-coaster ride..

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