Here we go again....

Another September 11th. Times nine. And the medea were being dorks. Y'know, just normal. And there was all this stuff about some pastor wanting to do a big book burning of the Quran in Fla. and everyone the fuck hell got into it and conflated it into an international issue. Good going, MSM... I've been more than disgusted over it for days now, but didn't want to put my two cent's worth in. Did have other things to worry about....

S0 let us get something straight here. I was IN Munich, when terrorists struck and killed people, not even one hundred yards away. I SAW what they did, and how they flew their hostages off in helicopters, and I was very young still. I will DIE with those images in my head.

They were radical Moslems. And it NEVER occurred to me to condemn all Moslems because of their crazies. Look at what crazy Christians do, killing doctor Tilden in a Church, because he defended the rights of women to have a necessary abortion? For instance...

Should I go all JIHAD on all Christians because of the few who are radical, and do terrible things? That is completely crazy.

From what I have learned, every religion tells you to love your neighbor and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Best message ever, and I try to live it every day.

When I go to get a hair-cut, I go next door to Enver's place. He's a Moslem, from some high mountain village in Turkey.... He greets me in such a heart-felt friendly way. Cuts my hair as I wish, always says, 'I'm gonna make you 'schön' (His German is limited... I will never be 'schön' again... )

And then he gives me a shave. With the deadliest straight razor you can imagine. And of COURSE I think of Sweeney Todd at that point... Then he lathers me up, puts my head back on the head-rest, and says 'Sleep.' (What he means is: 'relax'. 'Toldja, his German is sorta iffy...) It's always a five minute pleasurable experience.

He's had his 'friends' come in with med records and wanted me to translate them for them so they could fill out forms.

And I DO, to the best of my ability.

Now, do you THINK I would do something like that if there were religious gross differences and animosities?

Well, am not THAT suicidal...

I consider this DISGUSTING, the way this is being played out.

People are human beings.

Morning J0e yesterday HAS to be the worst example of working all that shit. You DO NOT trash a religions' beliefs just to gain an election win.

That is so damaging....

So I got through half-way THAT car-wreck of a show, and since I am an insomniac at the moment and was up from three a.m.... I went back to bed.

It was to have a nightmare. I dreamed I had stayed another thirty minutes in the HO-TEL that day. I KNOW someone got a call just after I left, and they all ran up to the conference room, and turned on the tee-vee.

But I know I left, just heard about it later.

In the dream, I was there. And fully freaked. And I said, 'I have to go home, I have to try to reach my family.'

And in the dream, my Persian boss followed me out, grabbed me, and said, 'You can't blame us..' And I was, 'WHAA? We're talking about CRAZY people here! I have to get home and make calls!'

So yeah, maybe it could have happened in an alternate universe.

My Persian boss was very kind to me.

I really HATE all this religious/racist stuff going on. I do. People are people. And they are all different somehow. Makes life interesting.

The ones who engender hate deserve to be in a sort of 'soul Guantanamo' where they can't harm anyone.

In reality? It was the day I walked in, turned on the tee-vee, which I never do, and yelled 'What the fuck hell did Hollywood cook up for a B Horror Film????!!!!' Till it sank in. Despite the dream, I was happy to have a nervous breakdown in the privacy of my own home.

And I have nothing more to say about it at present.

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