This is so fucked up....

HOW can you promise that children of immigrants will get automatic citizenship status if they fight in the military? It made me spitless. This was on Olberman last night.

Jeebus Cripes! hey...

Cynical much?

So, having followed the discussion.... if I were Mexican, and my parents schlepped me into the US, and I got raised there, and half-way educated, because it wouldn't be a good school, or neighborhood, and survived all the local violence, I would be able to join the armed services of my choice... (or not) and THEY would send me somewhere really exotic and put me in harm's way.... And if I survive that... I'd get citizenship. Or be dead and get a greeting card from Hallmark on my coffin.....

And they call that the Dream Act. Oh really? It's another form of the draft, aimed at the most needy.

Jeebus... and I thought 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' was evil...

This is diabolical.

And it isn't even coming from the Rethugs. O'Bambi thinks it's terrific.

How crazy ARE these people? There ARE other options... like not going to 'Murka. Evah.

Because the leaders have gone over the top for nuts, it's gonna be like seeing Lemmings run over a cliff and drown.

I wanna see what the rest of Countdown looks like from yesterday. But do not like it so far...

Oh YEAH, there is a codicil to the deal. Either you get higher education, like college or a university, or go into the military. Now HOW does one expect THAT to happen if you are in a lower class environment, and everyone is struggling to put food on the table? HUH?

Holy crap, I've BEEN there.... It was crazy. So many Catch-22's it was nuts. Because I had a job, I wasn't eligible for a grant because I earned SOOO much. Bottom line? They KNOW how to keep the 'undesirables' out, but I fought it and found a way. It was uncomfortable, cost me a hell of a lot in money and energy, but I fucked THEM over.

I hardly think that an immigrant youngster would be equipped to do that, with some exceptions, of course....

So WHY is everyone so happy about this 'Dream Act'?

Are they fully bonkers?

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La Raza may be on board with it, but, they are talking about poor, Latino children here, who get the chances turned against them, and I find it disgusting.

The idea is so bad, it stinks to high heaven. Cannon fodder... that's what they want.

Well, dream on, Preciousses.

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