Oh! Good things take time....

You know how I first got involved with the 'French Foreign Legion' guy? And he made me start a search for his disappeared son in Addis Abbeba in Ethiopia, and I went through every help committee I could THINK of, and we just hit all those dead ends?

Well, Preciousses... it's taken nearly two years.

W. needed me to do all the English, and the searches, he was desperate, because they 'disappeared.'

Today, he called me. He calls me fairly often, he's actually a nice guy....

This past week, he got a call from the Ministry of the Interior. They found his little Karli. I wouldn't have believed it, was all 'impatient', and got to yelling at people. (I'm not what they call 'patient'...)

W. is over the moon for happy. And I got all the goose bumps.

The Ministry put him in touch with his little boy. He'd been ASKING for two years where his father was, and was overjoyed to hear him again. His mother was telling him, 'Well he may be somewhere else in Africa, or in Austria, I don't know, honey...' And he joyously yelled, 'Comment ca va?'

My eyes sweated.

W was laughing, and saying, 'his hair is down to his arse, but that's his thing.'

And the whole family ran in, and were all over him... but in English.

And he said, 'I SO wish you would have been there to translate for me.'

That is the nicest thing I ever heard.

I am just so happy that something I set in motion turned out to have a happy end.

He's gonna take his son and his mother to Austria, and that is gonna be a chore.

But he got his son back, and that is amazing. I had given up, inside, and I think he did too.

Am glad to have been of some help, even if it took so long.

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