I recently posted how I love Thurber evenings....

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I discovered Thurber in Austria, and he was funny, tragic, and an artist. In my eyes.

But this series on Countdown has a history. At the height of the health-care debate, Mr. Olberman was often gone. His father was dying. And he would read these stories to his Dad, who opined, he should do that on his show. The Thurber estate and heirs were of the same opinion.

If that is his way of getting closure, fine. But I have most of the books from back in the Seventies, haven't looked at them in a long while, and he helps me rediscover how hard I laughed back then.

But in reality.. there were lessons to be learned in those seemingly 'funny' stories. He got it.

Enjoy. And you can get more from the Countdown site... there is a link on the left hand side... Fridays with Thurber. I LOVE 'The Night The Ghost Got In'.

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