Ground Swell???

Could it be... that corporations in the US have bilked so many Americans that they are going to fight back?

Thirty-thousand 'everyday' Americans took to the streets in Madison WS, because they were tired of being the scapegoats. Their governor basically wants to dock federal employees twelve thousand dollars a year so he can pay off the corporation hacks who paid for his election, under the guise of a non-existant deficit.

One really has to hand it to the Re-thugs. They'd throw their own grandmothers under a bus if they could get the will in their favour. Greedy, mercenary, horrible people.

Judging from the past year or so... everything they accused the Dems of... is what they wanted to do themselves and are doing. Isn't that a kick in the pants, hey?

So they want to break the unions again. If the people in Madison WI go out and protest in tens of thousands... and Madison isn't a big city...

I have a feeling that there is going to be protests in places no one had anticipated.

And good so.

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