Oh, six days without a snigarette... so why does my mouf feel dirty???

I have a trick, in the meanwhile... I hold a Bic lighter, and turn it round and round in my hand, while I watch the news. It seems to help. I don't eat all the time, can't afford junk food.

But the BRAIN.... is tricky. Last night I kept dreaming about spending ten Euros a day and thinking I had ten E'uros, and if I subtracted the price of one pack of cigarettes, what I could get on the rest of the money, and got agitated, because it would not cover what I wanted. And WHOA, I wanted the sniggies. But was equally hungry.

Which was weird enough. I wanted a baked potatoe.... covered with crème fraiche, and herbs, and with baked mussels.

The latter really gave me pause when I woke up. I never heard of anything so weird.

So I went OUT today, my account being replenished... and I did what I dreamed. It tasted ok, but I still can't figure out why.

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