Stupendous news this past week, wasn't there?

I really didn't find it necessary to comment actually. Other than to shed some silent tears of joy to see the outcome of a revolution that succeeded. I think it was just overwhelming. But I have some more than passing knowledge of Egyptians, and like them very much.

One of the things that really impressed me today looking at yesterday's news was about the organizers. They didn't trash Tahrir square. Today, they cleaned up and repaired damage done. That is telling. It means they take pride in that place and responsibility.

I got really irritated with some US commentators, and all their 'worry' about 'what's gonna happen now?' Well, seeing as they have ALWAYS been for greatest short-term gains without considering long term losses..... Bingo.... didn't they do it again, hey. You could just throw up. And then they get stuck in the line of the camera like deer in the headlights and say 'WHAA???'

Buried in the lead is the fact that three hundred people died to make that happen. They should be held in honor. Am sure there will be a monument later on.

What really jarred me was hearing that it has been TWENTY-ONE years since the Berlin Wall fell. No, will not go ON, it just surprised me, it didn't seem that long ago. It's a generation, hey.

I was there less than a week after.... and oh the exhilaration, it was just in the air, and so wonderful... the radio kept telling which parts of the Wall were coming down, and we'd zoom over to the former East just to see how it looked, it was sort of insane.

And I think that will be what it will be like in Cairo this next week. But there was another aspect setting in that week... people from the East were suspicious, they had NO idea how to function, it was like their reason for being had been removed, most of them and they were so bewildered, it was sort of pitiful.

At least Cairo doesn't have that apartheid.... but there will be differences. I think that right now... they feel united, and one people, and it might be the cement that enables them to work together and form something new and amazing, and right for everyone. We all like our wet dreams of Democracy to turn out to be happy endings, and that people prosper.

Peter always wanted to go to Egypt... but he was already sick with an open foot. His grandparents went to Cairo for their honeymoon. It was 'chic'. (Tja)

Now I wish I had.

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