Oh wow... talk about wavelengths...

I ran out of food, so went to the supermarket at the train station to get a samwich.... and went to get my bus back down the hill to the square. When a man behind me was on his cell phone.

His voice was so young, the content was disturbing to me. He was expressing exactly what I was feeling.

'Gawd it's so grey, it's terrible! ... Well, yes it's a bit warmer, but I am afraid it's gonna turn again before the end of the month... What?.... Well, maybe.... And did you hear? Peter Alexander died. He was only eighty-four.... That's waay too young....'

And I thought, 'uh-oh.... my generation behind me.' The way too young thing... ok, understand it, but the man lost his only son in a racing car accident about fifteen years ago, and it broke him, and then he lost his wife to cancer about five years ago, which broke him even more. He lived for his family. But up until all the tragedy began, he had a very rich and wonderful and fruitful life, so I think he was ready to be called off the island, or globe, so to speak.

It got worse.

'No, am on the bus..... I'm just going to ride around for a while..... Stop at Hilmteich, maybe.... What? ---No, if I'm at home, I'm only going to watch tee-vee, or maybe a dvd, or Norway.' ('Whatever that means... probably ski jumping) 'I just want to drive around, and after Hilmteich (a pond) I will go back to the Main Square for a while, and then I will go home, and go to bed. ....Yes. ....Bye.'

Whereupon it was my stop, and I was on the seat in front of him, the exit door was behind him, and there he was, head bent, sorrowful, black-framed glasses, going a bit bald and the picture of depression. Hell, I thought I was looking into a mirror.

It wasn't so much the content as the tone. He sounded so defeated, my heart nearly went out to him. Except two depris do NOT a happy couple make. sigh....

But seriously... he was saying a lot that I would NEVER say, and it hit me hard.

Except---I'd have been of no help since I feel exactly the same hopelessness. Recipe for disaster.

But he made me very sad.

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