My father was banging his head on the keyboard today...

Had to do with a Soap, and how one character got punked, and was talking to his tee-vee screen. He's so rational. I throw things. Soft things, don't wanna break it....

I was catching up on things I do not watch regularly. Like what people call 'Tweety'... Chris Matthews.. Now I have no problem with diabetic vitriolic people... obviously. However.... the man is so looking in his rear-view mirror, he is ignoring one of the biggest stories which are right in front of him. People are sick and tired of being preyed on by corporations.

And now he tells us... OH, GASP!... the reasons for going to war in Iraq were bogus. Which anyone with a wisp of reason in their head KNOWS, but oh, it gets better... he wants inquiries.

I have always suspected that he was a lower intestinal acrobat. So why now particularly, when Wisconsin and Ohio are up in arms, and going against the Rethugs. Mr. Matthews has always looked at which side his bread was buttered on. But secretly loves the Rethugs. He is just playing chess to make himself look good, and the ploy is so stupid even I can see through it.

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