Ok, two more films on my channel up for Oscars

If you want to lose two and a half hours of your life being aggravated by a vexing illogical puzzle.... and probably go through two jumbo containers of popcorn in a movie theater, chewing to help yourself THINK... 'Inception' is perfect for you. The basic idea wasn't bad, mind you... but turning it into an Escher painting wasn't exactly the way to go. Oh yeah, you can follow it, if you can stay awake enough... except it doesn't make sense. If the makers wanted to go the way of 'Donny Darko', or 'Mulholland Drive', at least it would have been interesting enough to want to find out what it was ABOUT. This film is a mess, and in the end, boring in the extreme. And whoever made it is on something that really messes up perceptions so badly, they should run for the next Betty Ford clinic. I WOULD suggest that it might have a chance for an Oscar for set design. But it wasn't anything new either.

And 'Burlesque' was up. Only one nomination, for best song. Rightly so. The makers should be sued for gross plagiarism. The first half-hour seems promising.... but then, oh then! Someone spare us all! If you want to plagiarise... I wish for zombies, so that Bob Fosse rises from the grave and takes the choreographer and lighting director to an early demise, as they are being ghouls themselves. We SAW this all in the 70's with Cabaret.

The first half hour of the movie is good, as said above. But then it descended into 'quoting' every damned cliché about show-business you can think of.

I left after nearly an hour and a half. And left the popcorn behind me.

And Cher got screwed, minimal role.

And Christina Aguilera? After three songs... nothing new, gets old, and boring.


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