Ok, we wanna tald about getting fully pissed off?

Well, you probably do not, but I do... I just saw an AP headline on Yahoo that says Barry is gonna support 'faith-based' groups. Like yeah, you keep your dick in your pants, and your dresses down dears, and the undies on till your wedding day or something.

Did he fucking grow up on, MARS? That is so sick... am ready to barf again, and I am a world champion barfer.
And to make matters worse, my fucking pc, Lazarus by name, decided to do his own thing today... And will not let me get back to the way the screen is SUPPOSED to look. Lazarus is a world class asshole, and whether he knows it or not, he is bound for the scrap heap at the end of the month, and I am gonna get a MAC. Fuck Bill Gates and the thousands of Schillings and Euros I spent on his Microshit. NO more. I get an operating system that WORKS.....

It will take a bit of learning, but that is ok. It is stable, and I don't have to do string-alt-remove any more... Worth it.

And it isn't for nothing that he is getting out while the going is good, getting hit with a 500 million Euro fine for practices that were unfair in normal business practices in Europe. Nope, nothing surprises me any more.

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