Uh HUH... Elections here and there...

We got to watch the undiluted full debate from last night this morning.

McSame came across as your usual Rethug bitch. Oooo.... testy... prickly, and so many references to 'Hey I was IN a war', it sounded like he liked it or something. Maybe he's a masochist. But his record doesn't show him helping soldiers now, oh no, on the contrary...

He was condescending in his words, and the smirk.... I will bet you five dollars he got a two-day crash course in learning that from Dumbya, a ten-thousand dollar one over a weekend, with Jeff Gannon as coach.

Arrogance. Just arrogance.

Barry was ok. He got his approach across. He remained unruffled. His ideas don't knock my socks off, but he was good.

Someone on Daily Kos went into nirvana that he was prepared for McSame's 'showing off the armband thing' 'Don't let my son have died in vain', and Obama showed HIS armband, and said the woman told him, 'Don't let any mother go what I am going through.' Tja, good counterpunch.

So I guess they know what they are doing, and McSame is going to tank..... (i hope, i hope, i hope...)

Tomorrow, we have national elections where I live. Last time, the state elections, I had some fun with the campaign posters on my blog.... This time they are so boring, you just pass by, and they are out there on the square....

Picture a lot of old men's faces with empty bubbles pointing to their mouths. As in comic books.

Vote for this guy, he's presentable. He doesn't have any IDEAS, but hey, he's cute. (The Socialists. They forgot to tell us he has a nerd voice like MacSame's, but what the hell.) I'm reliable. (the Greens.) The Conservatrive Christians are going to win. They presented clear concepts, ideas which speak to the general public, and they are right on target. No one else seems to HAVE ideas. Just a face, a good one, and you are supposed to vote for them.

I would REALLY like to meet the person in charge of the Socialist's ad campaign. And destroy him or her forever. If I didn't know any better, I would be screaming 'Sabotage!' at the moment, and get really REALLY grouchy and a bit verbally violent.... A bitch slap for stupidity wouldn't be bad either. FIRE that person for incompetence! Just sayin'... Or don't any of you have any ideas any more??????

The other parties are right radical. 'Oh, we gotta 'protect' our fucking 'homeland' and Austrians first. Uh-Huh. And I keep wondering: 'from WHOM?' No one ever thereatens me....

So yes, tomorrow I go and vote. Oh joy.... My X doesn't go to any of the above.
'Nuff said.....

And did I mention that the party that will win had blocked unions between people of the same sex, and refused to give them equal rights? And trhat the EU is gonna come down on them sometime, and MAKE them recognise that? I might live to see it...

Inform yourselves, make your decisions, and make your x'es. Voting is important, and a duty, and a privilege.

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