Forty Years.....

We often have a show on tee-vee called Zeitzeugen. Witnesses of a time. People who were at an event that was seminal in changing things. Steven Colbert interviewed Jim Fouratt who was at the Stonewall Inn forty years ago, which changed much in the world. Admirably, he was rather subdued. For Steven.... But it was a fascinating interview. For a young person in the 60's struggling to find a true identity at the time, I wish that there had been positive examples I would have wished to emulate, so progress was made. But it isn't over, and forty years is a very long time to want to not feel somehow inferior.

Back then, we didn't have role models. We thought we were somehow 'different' and non-functional. We got left out of a lot of things because people perceived us as 'not being right, somehow'. And there was no one to turn to. And you felt so alone, it was like being in the vast universe. You felt like some kind of freak of nature, and the Church only enhanced it, and you despaired. And thought of just ending your life, and I tried it when I was seventeen. But it didn't work. The car ran out of gas.

That is one horrible thing to feel. Useless...

At least that changed.... A lot of young people won't want to kill themselves, and there are enough who do.

So am not a person who can shout out 'happy pride'. But it is nice to see younger generations not having those problems, although it isn't something widespread in the world...

Now for a witness...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jim Fouratt
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

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