Ok,,,, the President is in Germany... and he went and vistited what was left of Buchenwald

It is a geopolitical move, and he is smart.

It looked like archeologists moving over a site they dug up. Because they razed it.

In the Seventies, I got litterally FORCED to see Dachau. I didn't want to go... I knew what went on there.... It turned out to be a very good museum. And non-biased, and explained how it all happened. But the explantations were only in German.

I got half-way through the museum... and then there was a film theater, to really hammer it in. I have never seen anything so horrific in my life. So I ran out of the building to get some air, and there was this monument.... stacked skeletons.

And these Amis lined themselves up before it, and yelled, 'Smile'.... Click. They took pictures.

And I thought, 'Close this place down NOW! It isn't fucking Disneyland....'

If that kind of disrespect is common, there is no point in keeping them open.

The Documentation is really enough.

So just accept that it happened, and make sure it doesn't happen again....

And oh yes, you REALLY want to get trapped in the creamatorium in Dachau during a thunderstorm.

I really reccomend it for an 'experience'.

But he did good...

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