Stephen Colbert is in Iraq. And fucking Sarah Palin let it slip per Twitter, just before it happened. It was supposed to be a surprise.

He was good, but I guess just warming up. Getting a buzz cut from General Odielo was fairly ballsy...

But I liked the underlying message The MSM is so concentrated on financial news, they forget that they have 130.000 people still stationed in Iraq, and feel neglected.

As far as I know, Colbert is sort of left-leaning, but poses as right. And he did fine with it.

Actually, his Army buzz cut made him look five years younger, but that isn't the point.

He actually had the balls to go to Baghdad. He is one of my media heroes, because he puts his money where his mouf is.

As for Palin... the idiot twittered, and it went viral. So last week, everyone knew where he was going to go. He'd kept it a big 'sneakret'. It was fun to guess where.

I hope the FBI waterboards her, and gives her sleep deprivation for five weeks.

Disclosing state sneakrets like that. (smile)

Caribou Bear-Chair Barbie is really not ripe for any sort of job, seems like, and I want to see her disappear into a non-disclosed location, given a lobotomy till she doesn't know who she really is, and just smile, and rock, smile, and rock... hundreds of non-aborted babies she believes are hers. For starters.

The more I see of Plastic Woman, the more I want to throw up.

At least Barbie didn't have any PARTS, or nipples for that matter. And we do NOT want to begin about hemaphrodite KEN.

All plastic, no parts....

No wonder they never married...

Anyone want to talk about abstinence only 'education'? Can only come from people whose whoremones were so suppressed, they had no urges... It was a defect.

I can't find any other explanation for it.... sorry....

Update: the second one was great. He never shys away from controversial subjects. Please go here and check out the full episodes if you do not have it on your tee-vee system.

Had a bad day, but liked what I saw....

Nite for a while...


Terrible says
10 June 2009 at 18:26

I did see a few days ago that he would be over there this week. But I haven't had a chance yet this week to see any of him there. Will try to check it out later!