Obama's speech in Cairo...

Well done. Eloquent. Pouring oil on the water, so to speak....

Watched it at Peter's house, it was noontime here.

And I know... someone is gonna say, 'he's gonna come up with 'but'....'


Words are really cool, and eloquence is something so rare in the world these days, it becomes amazing when someone can express themselves in any way at all. And the master of eloquence is the POTUS.

But words aren't enough. You have to act on them, and show that you mean them.

I'm really not crazy about the actions so far. That he is having trouble closing Guantanamo is understandable. I don't want to know what is going on behind the scenes. I do NOT like him wanting to get war criminals let off scott free, and him keeping people prisoned without recourse to any sort of law.

And I do NOT like... not moving to repeal the vicious DADT programme that Clinton instated.

I call that shooting yourself in the fucking foot. Many of the fired were highly trained, and more than qaualified to do their jobs.

Now, if I, as a gay person, can have an überhetero in my house for three months who hated gays, but was between a rock and a hard place, and he becomes a friend... I never hit on him! He just became more tolerant, because he likes me as the person I am. And I would imagine that it would be like that in the Armed Forces. You watch out for one another, and sex has nothing to do with it, you know?

You're just friends. Like brothers, the good ones... not Cain and Abel...

Whatever, if Obama wants to pacify the world.... all the beautiful words aren't going to do shit. He will have to DO something to prove what he is saying, and let it be known.

And yes, I know that he hasn't been in office long, and has a lot on his plate.

But on these two issues, I find him lacking.

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