Okay, this one is for Terrible. Vt. 2+1/2, NH 1... My kidding and state rivalry...

Yeah, NH got a gay marriage equality act. After you did. If youse guys are gonna be so progressive, stubborn, insist on Constitutional rights and butt your heads against walls, (excuse the euphemism...) NH has a long way to go to even come close to what you all do for amazing. Hell, it took Iowa to get NH to see the light. Just sayin'....

I really really hate to admit this, Terrible. But I do not carry grudges, oh no... It is envy, I tell you, envy! I wish I had grown up there.... some days.

Hell, I should have known when Harold Dean came along, but didn't want to see the signs.

And for those who do not know what I am speaking of... Terrible is so straight, you could use him as a Dietrich to pick a lock, but has a very large heart.

Am so glad NH joined you all...

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