WTF? New rubric..... gay bashing isn't the order of the day here.

W. regressed into PTSD. I do not want to get into it. Waaay across town, and said can I take a taxi and bail him out, he couldn't pay his corfee bill, his wallet got stolen.

Swell. A thunderstorm was just ending to make it all 'fun'.

So I headed off to the taxi stand. Halfway there, he calls back, problem solved, I should go home.

So I did... Now, I had a REALLY bad morning, ok? And that didn't help my mood any. No, not at all...

And there was ths skin-head in front of me, about thirty, with his 'chum', dark-headed, pushing his bike. And this ASSHOLE, (the skin) was bragging about how he recognises all the foreigners out on the square, and going on about them. And since I was already irritated to the MAX... And got really, really angry.

So I accelerated, and got on his walking level. And said:

'You don't know fucking SHIT! And you don't know ME. And I was a foreigner, but am now an Austrian citizen, you dork!'

And he said 'Riiiight, where were you from?' And I said, 'USA'. Whereupon he replied, 'Right, and I'm from Jamaica.'

'Well, you look a little too pale for that, dork!'

Whereupon he replied, (we were at the point where I entered my door) 'Just go home, you faggot Bongo...'

And that remark caused hilarity inside of me, you know... so out of left field.... And I turned around, and said, 'Oh.... BINGO!!!.' And exited.

Now let's re-play this if it had been in my home town. True, a given, I was mad as hell, and it had background reasons. But!

If I had done something like that there... I would have ended up broken in a gutter, nearly dead, and then in hospital if I weren't.

That is the difference.

And no, am not going to take any SHIT any more. From anyone. I've lived my life, and will not let anyone denigrate it any more. But people here seem to be civil. Even if they can be stupid.

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