Blogger can drive me crazy... Really. Just out of my mind... What's left of it...

It wouldn't let me in. Again. I know, I know, have said that under other circumstances, but it is just weird with the pc.

Was busy the past two days. Peter got hospital leave, till his next operation on or around the eightteenth of the month. Moved back in Monday. Werner helped, thank goodness. There was a lot to do....

In the interim, they have given him so many meds, I don't know how the fuck he is going to function.

He insisted on going out and eating Indian food today. So we did... But then he got distressed. Werner got him home in time to do the WC thing. But...

Now I know what everyone was talking about in the Eighties. People who had partners with Aids, and the bathroom stuff.

He started yelling I should come into the living-bed room because he was shitting himself. The meds. Without warning. He'd turned over on his side, because he didn't want it all over the fresh bed.

Good boy, hey....

So I improvised with a plastic container, and then had to wash his hiney. Nota bene.... I have NEVER washed his hiney before. It was something I wished I had never seen, and never hoped for. Make that: the LAST thing I would have hoped for....

And noooo... am not complaining. While it happened, all those people who documented all they went through flashed through my mind, and I thought, 'Ok, you were lucky... but now it's your turn.'

He felt so humiliated, it was heart-rending.

And me? I was very shocked for the moment. But got over it fast...

Tomorrow, I am going out and get him a bed pan, damn it! He's already GOT a thirty Euro bottle to pee in that won't back up, once he learned to get his minister of the exterior INTO it....

Ok, ok, am cranky, will admit.

All that keeps me going are the brave people who put up with so much more back then. And then I feel humbled.

Just sayin'

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