I have been thinking a lot lately....

About the futility of just spouting off about health care reform in the US...

Yes, I just do. That is how I am, I care...

But I get fucking discouraged. I can go Dickensian for 'outrage'.

Yup. Just happens... can't do anything about it, and go for anger.

Now, I don't know what the term 'Kabuki Theater' means. But you can find it here.

And it seems to me... the people who called it that, well, they were correct.

My former 'couch critter', W. used to criticise me for watching the developments there, and he knew why I cared so much, used to start lamming into me. 'It's show business! Haven't you understood that yet? Show business!'

Now, I can be one stubborn bastard when it comes to what I believe.

And it hurts right to the bone, when I have to say 'I was wrong, you are right.' Oooo that hurts....

It is Kabuki.

If we take the events of the past week into account... First the health insurance people and big pharma think they are gonna get a HUGE increase in income, and then there is a feint move from Harry Reid, 'we are gonna penalise you.'

But they won't....

It is a sylised 'dance' they all do, and I don't want to go into the corrupt assholes who promote all that shit.

So yes, it is Kabuki... a stylised arcane dance that makes everybody miserable in the end. I feel so sorry at the moment.

When an insurance company decides to cancel ALL policies because they have one person on it who is costing them too much... which I saw this morning on the net...
Keith Olberman... HERE

it disgusts me.

I do not know if everyone saw what KO did last week. It was remarkable.


What are Murkin's gonna do, the troglodyte, knuckle-dragging Neandertals sucking at the teat of government till they go dry, and use the energy to be able to give billions to their little turd offspring?

Seems like we have a new species here...

That is NOT the country I grew up in. Those are NOT the values I was taught. And I just watch what happens in horror.

Because that isn't what I was taught.

Where is the empathy, where is caring for your fellow neighbor even if you don't agree with his views, but he is in trouble, Where the fuck did that country go?

This whole thing upsets me to the max.

And it makes me sad...

Kabuki Theater.... going through theatrical motions...

But in the end... it really does seem to be show...

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