This is just outrageous. OUTRAGEOUS

I don't care that Franken introduced the legislation. It is what is RIGHT. As in 'correct', and 'just'. The ammendment which he introduced... may be eliminated... don't like the word 'stripped' from the bill due to yet another asshole who has his nose and tongue up Halliburton's arse, to get a reward, because the US government gave those companies carte blanche. Which is never a good idea, but such slime actually help to hurt people, whatever the motive was... there should be accountability.

I'm gonna have to take a blood pressure pill. Some people stop at absolutely nothing, just to line their pockets. But this is audacious, and disgusting.

Link here.

And I thought Jon Stewart shamed them last week....

It was on the Hufington Post, and I saw it the day after the broadcast, and it was gooood.

He explained it all, so go here.

And then tell me why this arsehole is justified in even thinking about 'stripping' it from the bill.

And that on the day the Matthew Shepard act finally made it out of the House and Senate, after over a decade...

Disgusting. And oh wow... the White House opposes it? Does Obama think it is ok to rape women, and have it in the contract to pay them 'hush money'? Well, now THAT is a really bad call.

Their shit doesn't stink, in other words. I do not get this at all.

If I had a daughter of nineteen, and she gets a job, probably lucrative, but the atmosphere is so bad, she gets gang-raped, and then locked in a shipping container after she complains, has to get a congressman to get her the fuck out of there, and then is denied access to sue the company.... because it was in the contract, and you do arbitration, like settling out of court.... what the fuck is this world, and what has it become?

Ok, I didn't procreate, never will. But I can imagine it... And if that had happened to a child of mine... I would go fuckin' Charles Bronson on anyone who would stop justice.

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