Ok, the Germans are the pits... really....

I have been getting e-mails from people wondering why the fuck hell I would send them an invitation to participate in a german language face-book thing, and some of them were angry.

Except I DIDN'T.

I haven't been there in over two years, and now I'm gonna do a Mark Sanford, ok, so get yourselves your panties so you can twist them!

Netlog.de went rogue, seemingly....

I can't figure out another reason for that....

The background?

About three or four years ago, I had sex. Yeah, shudder...

It wasn't so remarkable that I can pinpoint the date, you know? It was boring, and he didn't know about deoderant yet...

And a couple of weeks later... I got this invite, to join that site. And I shrugged.... he was nice enough and interesting... and asked me to join this site, you see, and I thought, 'Ok, maybe he wants to talk.' Except it never happened and I forgot about it.

And all of a sudden, this website is sending 'invitations' to my mail lists, and it freaked me out.

I deleted my account there this evening, and will send a screed to them.

The F'acebook thing was bad enough, but Netlog????

I can't find words bad enough... So I didn't do it. I have enough troubles.

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