Actually, that last below reminded me of my fifth grade teacher...

She would lecture us on what was gonna happen when the Russians invaded. Not if, WHEN. 'And they're going to arrest your parents and put them into concentration camps, and indoctrinate them into how they think, and when they come back, you won't know them any more.'

There was a lot more to it, but I later learned she had it from a Reader' s Digest article, and would harangue us with all the bullshit... Kids smell BS from a mile away. But she was colorful and dramatic, and when she'd get on a subject that bored us, someone in the class was bound to say, 'Miss S. How was that again about the Russians invading?' And we'd feel entertained.

Probably to the detriment of my edumacation. But that jackass below? He takes the Miss S. to a new level, scaring army wives. Their kids are gonna be attacked in schools, and on and on. If you ask me, they should be worried their own kids don't do a Columbine for lack of supervision while the parents are trying to make ends meet, and neglecting them. That's a much more probable and scary scenario.

What people do for money.... And I still think Grossman is a sociopath.

And oh yeah, all the women were Miss, our teachers. The school board only wanted spinsters. So it wasn't surprising when they got a bee in their bonnet, and, really, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when they came back to school in the Fall, and be in the lounge to hear what THEY did on their summer vacation. Thank gawwd that is an era long gone.

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