This freaked me totallly.... About the death penalty....

Lawrence O'Donnel shocked me, after all the upset over Troy Davis' execution. He recounts in horrible detail what other people who have done horrendous things and who were executed in the same time period and who did not get national attention were 'ignored'. I was uncomfortable. Because there was one perp whom I would have loved to have castrated personally and watch him bleed to death. Brewer.

But following his logic, as reprehensible as those criminals were.... he comes to a conclusion that makes sense to me, It makes me uncomfortable, true, as above. But really, who has the right to take another human being's life? They should live long and miserably.

It's strong stuff, but Lawrence O'Donnell was the only voice in this past week who went past the sensationalism, and made sense. I thought it was worth sharing. Passionate and very convincing.

And I always love the hypocrisy of the US pointing their collective fingers at other countries which have firing squads.. (well, Utah does)-.... but think it is ok for them to do it, as 'Gawwds' chosen people...

Still, it chilled me.


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