oh boy... Pot... meet Kettle...

In the German Yahoo news this a.m. is a short blurb about Obama kritising the European Banks, saying they haven't done enough to prevent the current crisis.

Reeeaally--- ummm... I don't think he should be pointing any finger.

If anyone really followed how Greece messed up and caused a domino effect, well it was good old Goldman Sachs who sold them tons of junk, just as they and Bear Stearns and the others did in the mortgage market in the US, and they got left sitting with nada--- and the bonds people got very rich.

So the EU countries went right ahead and did what 'Murka wants... austerity measures for the poor and middle classes, which they don't want to take sitting down.

The media can say that unrest and demonstrations are race-based, or anything more than about what it is. They fought for their social benefits, and they aren't about to give them up without a fight.

This is why I follow US politics... because whatever craziness is building up over there, you can be sure that we'll get it in some form or other, and it used to be in six month's to a year's time. Nowadays? It's only a matter of weeks.
For what it's worth, and for those who read German, the blurb is here.

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