Just another word....

President Obama's speech in Prague was unprecedented in so many ways, and I have seen several Presidents here, and how they piss the Europeans OFF.... It is seemingly too early in America and the press hasn't reacted yet.

That speech was balm for the soul. NOT the finger-wagging absolutely stupid lesson 'teaching' that I have seen over the past thirty years. No longer 'We know absolutely better than you because we are the most fucking great cuntry on the planet.'

It was ambitious, and going out and talking to over thirty thousand people out on a square, (which makes me frightened for him), was brave, not hiding behind the 'powers that be' and deciding something, and you find out about it two years later.

That is a brave thing to do. He is astounding. It was so unusual, to engage the people out on the square, to be conciliatory, and ask that everyone do their part to help.

The speech was so detailed, and there was so much in there, am STILL digesting.

To be clear... I am not on board with some things he has decided in the past seventy (!!) days. But so far on his first tour here? Am fucking speechless with admiration.

He has done so much in so little time to restore some respect for America it is breath-taking.

And you can get an orgasm listening to someone put two intelligent sentences together, well, almost. But what a relief....

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