Rumpelstiltskin, am Rumpelstiltskin!

Just watch how I tear myself in half in pure rage mode!

Actually, I should have done it a half hour ago....

Instead, I exploded like Aetna, and spewed volcanic vocabulary all over the place.

I had to go over to Peter's old place, because they want to dispose of his old bed.

The Serb bitch came at me confrontationally, and wanted my keys to the house.
She said I should give them up, and that Peter had said so.

Peter had said the opposite.

And I started to blow up. 'Peter has a main apt officially elsewhere, and this one is MINE!'

And I said, 'NO. He has the RIGHT to this appartment till he dies, and I wouldn't put it past you to help him into oblivion, but IF that should happen, I will make sure that the cause of death isn't suspicious! And he still has very valuable things in here.'

Whereupon she showed her Harpy face, and believe me, it isn't a pretty one....

'I've never taken ANYTHING!.'

'You both took anything you could get under your fingernails, and should have been locked up years ago. All of you are are slimy thieves.'

'I'm calling my lawyer.'

'You just do that, lady, and I never want to see you ever again, and if I find out that you are ever, EVER bothering Peter again, you are going to be so sorry you will regret it till the end of your LIFE!'

Tja.... poor old RenB had to hang out the Big Daddy and go bonkers on her. Not that she didn't deserve it. I assume that was the one-fourth Irish that came to the fore, because I saw red for rage, literally.

And I packed some stuff that he needs that I have to wash, locked up the apt. while she was upstairs, and yelled, 'you all can just KISS MY ASS, Sideways!' (I'd do the German, but don't want to teach y'all bad manners. Ok, just this once: Ihr könnt mich mal, Kreuzweise!)

Actually, am proud of myself. I didn't use demeaning words like the 'c' word. She could take me to court if I had.

By the time I got home, I was hyperventilating. W. was amazed. 'Why didn't you call me?' Now THAT would have been 'helpful'.

Somewhat later, Peter was on the horn. She was so livid to him about how insulting I was, and showed her true visage. Like Medusa.

He was upset. I must have hit a few arteries to get her into such a Harpy mode, hey. Good on me. If someone goes AT me, I like to be on target, hey....

Carneval is over, I know, but little Miss Goody-Goody finally took her mask off.

More power to the powers that be....

just sayin'

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