Today I heard a very odd story.....

For the second time since he moved, Peter told me about a group of people who stand outside his building and start yelling. 'Allah is GREAT,' and so on and so forth. The first time I just thought it was the asocial drunks in the building adjacent to his, and didn't pay much attention.

But yesterday, Preciousses, about fifteen of them gathered in front of his house and did that, added that the Koran is the only true book that everybody, absolutely EVERYBODY must read, screamed that the Sharia is coming, (whatever THAT fucking is, I don't wanna look). The women wore Tschadors, and then... And then!

They started screaming 'We want Bread! WE WANT BREAD!'

And Peter was so 'entnervt', (you lose your nerves with this stuff...) and so he reacted.

He opened the window, and threw the full loaf of bread I had brought in the morning and tossed it at their feet.

They were so fucking insulted, it defies description.

When he told me about this this morning, I fucking broke down for laughing.

But I had a come-back, Preciousses.

'I KNOW you had a 'Sacher' chocolate cake in the kitchen. So what was THAT about, Miss Marie Antoinette'? 'Let them eat bread?'

Now that is going to sound odd, it being 'French'.

But the fact is, Marie Antoinette was the youngest daughter of sixteen children the Empress Maria Theresia of Austria had, thus Austrian.

And it turned out, she never said 'Let them eat cake.' It's a lovely legend that has survived over centuries, but she really didn't say that.

I was so disappointed when I read that.

We all like to believe in Wicked Witches of the East.....

Some one of these days, am gonna go over there and found he got beheaded or something.

I do not understand these people, whoever they are. I can go out on the square, and no one ever bothers me like that, nor do I bother them.

I find this so weird, I could just go off the charts for not accepting.

But we are having an extreme full moon, and people are acting weird. Take my bus ride today as example. This GUY runs for it, and I do not know how to describe this, but I have NEVER seen anyone run this way. I thought he had Parkinson's, but he doesn't. Hands in front of his stomach, flowing back and forth as if he were in a disco and in a groove, it was just wonderful. I cracked up.

As to the Sacher Torte, it was for my rival thirty years ago. A Powerfrau who wanted him, and she was my rival. She visited him today. Gawd, with 20-20 hindsight, I should have just let it be, but he wouldn't have been happy. We are friendly, and everything, but, it was pretty weird.

She took him out for a ride along the river, he was happy, and she was also. And told me she had 'touched' him. Physically. Hokay.... 'Hopefully you didn't give him a cayenne pepper enema which you used to threaten us with....'

She laughed.

For those of you familiar with Annti... Doris has ideas that can blast you into insanity.

And Annti is a beginner.

I am NOT exaggerating.

But she is ok. Doris, I mean....

2 Responses to "Today I heard a very odd story....."

Susan says
11 April 2009 at 00:13

OMG that is SO funny!! What a weird way to "beg for bread". I can just see Peter chucking that loaf out the window...hilarious!!!

Smart man, throw the bread SAVE the cake!!

WHAT?!?!?! Marie did NOT say that?!?! Well...crap.

Next thing your going to tell me is that there is no Easter Bunny!! (don't...I LOVE the Easter Bunny!! Was TERRIFIED of Santa Claus...LOVED the Easter Bunny!)

Great post!

RenB says
11 April 2009 at 06:03

I wish I had been there to see it for myself as well.

And sorry about disillusioning you with Marie Antoinette, but it only became refuted about twenty years ago by historians.

But yes, Susan, there IS an Easter Bunny. Am nearly certain I caught a glimpse of him once.... although I spotted a UFO once as well, so you can't fully trust me on that.