
G. Fucking Gordon Liddy got into the discussion of the nomination to Surpeme Court of Judge Sonya Sotomayor.

The discussions so far from the extreme right are so off the charts for racist, misogynist, you can feel the fear sweat, and smell it from four thousand miles away.

The white males who rule everything seem to be looking like the unwanted rat you cornered and trying to get rid of.

The truth is.... most people in the world have a different, and often darker color.

But they ruled, and how they ruled.

But to go so far as to say the candidate wouln't judge correctly, because she is a woman, and gets periods, which would cloud her judgement, is so off the charts for being unacceptable, I cannot find a comparison.

And that from the convicted G. Gordon Liddy. Of Watergate infamy.

How HE ever got to be 'acceptable' in the news cycle is a mytery to me. Just like John Dean, that whiney-ass little lawyer under Nixon.

Gawwd, the Repubs must be desperate.

Disgusting. Heard it on Crooks and Liars....

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