It's the weekend, dreary

history lesson. Sad. If you right click on the picture instead of playing it here, you can watch it full screen on YouTube.

3 Responses to "It's the weekend, dreary"

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
17 October 2010 at 09:58

I'm so glad that I watched this now, because all that was on PBS worth a shit was "G(aw)d In Murka." Not their spelling, but wtf.

I got to this post right when they were describing the ascendancy of that fat evil motherfucker Jerry fucking Falwell, and how he helped get Ronnie Ray-Gun Teh Raytheon Puppiet elected, and I was damned near puking blood.

Bless Rudolf's heart, not only for surviving the unimaginable, but for continuing to tell the tales. The Murka that we live in today, no matter what particular states may win as they move out of the primordial ooze and towards evolution --- is still filled with haters, bigots, ignorant assholes and motherfuckers who would rat-out ANYBODY to cover their own asses and to get ahead. How you stand such a cath-lick country, I have no idea, I just hope that you're happy there. The fascists in this country come in EVERY denomination. Be you humanist, atheist, queer/bi/trans, anything that is DIFFERENT, if you don't live in an area where you are amongst your own, where you are not protected by the demographics, then you are a walking fucking target for bigots of EVERY fucking flavor.

RenB says
17 October 2010 at 13:33

Glad I wasn't just posting it for nothing.

It made me cry. Sorry about the scope... Joe.My.God has different ones on his site, and about a third of the picture doesn't fit on my blog, but glad to know you got it. I can't figure how to change the html so it fits mine. He was speaking in German, but a very odd dialect from the Sudetenland, the German part of what was Tchechoslovakia.

Germany is divided, religion-wise, btw. The South is Catholic, the north is Protestant. And religion isn't an issue here, so yes, am content enough.

I was sorry the docu didn't cover the absolute worst thing that happened to those survivors of the concentration camps. If they had college degrees, their standing was never re-instated and they were stripped of them AFTER WWII, and never got reparations.

It sort of hit me, is all...

RenB says
17 October 2010 at 15:46

The last part of your comment... if everyone got into their own ghettos, what purpose would that serve? And then you go out with guns and ammo to 'get' the 'others'???

I 'think' they tried that in the Castro and other places. With bad results, and attaqcks, except in gated communities. And it goes contrary to everyone and everything I was taught.

From what I read, things went from 'getting better' to 'much worse where you are, even NYC.

The ugliness comes from the Right ramping up the hate in 'Murka, and giving them a a reason to hate someone for the troubles they are having, and turn on them.

Hitler's main targets were the Jews, but the ideology turned on 'da gays', and gypsies, and then 'asocials'... and Jehovah witnesses, as mentioned in the clip, and would have ended up 'eating their own' who might have had an opinion opposing them.

That is, after all, how facism works. Hannah Arendt KNEW.

We're just seeing 'Facism V 2.0'

When the Supremes decides anyone from anywhere can financially influence elections without constraint, thanks to that gay frat boy John Roberts, I'd say all bets are off.

And the corporations own the media there, and have the say, and keep the sheeple distracted. 'Oh look, Lindsay Lohan is in jail again, or Paris Hilton, or gawwd knows what...' That is news?

Am still far away enough, but you know what? When I came here... there was a full hour of evening news, and it was comprehensive, and world-wide coverage, and you knew what was going on.

Now? Ten minutes of Infotainment. They got bought up somehow.

First you dumb them down, and then you spoon-feed them propaganda.

Luckily, I can still find things on the intertubes I can trust. It's like trying to find the BBC Peter's grandfather secretly listened to in WWII. Because otherwise it's crap.