Oh, hilarious....

eewwwwwww... I wanted talk to Maria. I thought I finally got her...

Said, 'Good Lord, what happened to YOUR voice, did you catch cold?'

'Who IS this?'

'Ummmm errm, I wanted to speak to Maria G., you aren't her?'

'She's out working in the Hof (the farm). Call back later.''

'Ok'...... (banging head on the keyboard...)

It was her dreaded mother-in-law!

I am so not joking about the 'dreaded' part. That woman is a piece of work, and has a voice like a fog horn, normally.....

So SHE must have a cold, because her 'orGAN', (voice) is normally like a fog-horn.

Ouch! There is a reason why she picked up, but it is too complicated.

I must be getting deaf. But on the other hand, it was funny as hell to me....

I'd wanted to ask Maria to make some time to see Peter before he fully loses it. He DID take her with us on our Med cruise, after all, and she was good with him for a long time... She left the house, and came away with us for a week, without even telling her husband or kids where she was going. 'They'll get over it.' Well they sort of did, but her husband used it in a suit to give her household money, and did NOT like the fact that she was with two guys who were together, 'if you know what I mean, ring a bell?' We still laugh over that. Günther's father isn't a fan either... Because Dorle was with us as well, and he had a crisis, and his father blamed us for it, although it had nothing to do with us, and he was comfortable enough letting her take that trip...

So I thought it would be maybe ok to ask her to do that....

I don't know why that all popped into my head just now... We were all still relatively young, and it was an adventure, and we laughed muchly, and I was up on deck in the mornings, just drinking in the beauty, especially in the straits between Albania and Corfu just after sunrise... and getting my first corfee when the bistro opened and then sitting, and letting myself be overwhelmed. It was always 'MY' moment, before the busy day would begin. I loved that.

The Venerable was in the Navy, and I 'think' he would understand that... the calm, the wind, the beauty of nature.... just for a few moments. I thought of him, then...

Peter just called, back to reality... (shaking myself awake...) 'When are you coming?' 'It's Saturday, Peter, no connections to speak of...' (Big sigh....) 'When are you coming? I so miss you...'

Well... wow.... it's sort of weird, you know? Decades of worrying, danger of someone taking away the person I fell hopelessly in love with, and THAT? AT THE END? Gives me the creeps.

And YEAH, it is cynical, and I hate myself for it. Love IS some sort of battleground, it doesn't MATTER what the make-up of the partners are, it always plays out the same. You go after what you want, and you DO what you have to get it. And if it is solid, you have some very good years, and then, trouble comes, and you FIGHT... and you can walk out the door... or something comes between, and the bond is still so tight, you FIGHT. And it isn't about sex any more, or being held at night and feeling safe, but about saving someone's life. As well as you can.

Now that is a scenario for a Soap....

Life isn't exactly a hilarity hour...

back to regular programming...

Will try later.

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