Oh, and another... it's hilarious....

The Black Magic of Barney Haller... This story is delightful. Thurber's life wasn't so hot, and he was nearly blind. But he had this inner sense of self-preserving humour. (I read a biography somewhere along the line.) Was a star in the golden age of the 'New Yorker', when it was prestigious, with Dorothy Parker and all her crowd. The Turber estate has asked Olberman to be at the presentation of this year's Thurber award, which sort of stunned him... This all began when his father was dying in hospital. The health care debate was raging, and he mentioned that he would often be gone because he was with him, and would read him Thurber stories at night to help his father take his mind off of his pain.

And his father would say, 'Oh, I wish you could do this on your show...' He mentioned this one evening on his show, and the Thurber estate contacted him, and asked him to do that. So he has since April Friday nights, and it was nice to be reminded of what made me laugh so hard when I was young, and discovered him.

Yes, it can be 'light'. Whimsical. But in the end, very funny to me, and I know not everyone has that sense of humour. But he is way worth (re-) discovering.

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