OOO ooo... Snoopy dance, Snoppy dance, joy...

Just when you think that mankind has become a base bunch of idjits, you learn you were wrong.

I lost my keys on Saturday. Long story. It was one big bunch of keys, Preciousses, nine in all. I asked everywhere while shopping. It was traumatic, because the keys are for two houses. And it cost a pretty penny just to get back into my own apartment.

But the worst thing was I had lost the 'Anhänger', you know, the thing that you have to hold them all together. With the key ring. That had immense sentimental value to me, was unique, and was irreplaceable. From someone who loved me very much. I was very upset.

I asked EVERYWHERE, I had been. But forgot I had been to two tobacconists that morning. So my neighbour lent me his for the door to the square yesterday, and I ordered a duplicate. I couldnt get it without presenting a passport, and a registration of where I live. And itwas expensive.

So today, just when I had given up, I went into the other tobacconists shop. In the afternoons, there is a young lady there who is just super. Mid-twenties, very nice. She knows what you smoke after the second time you were there, and just automatically grabs for what you want before you open your mouf. And they have a hell of a lot of traffic, out there on the square, next to the market. Prices went up so badly last year I switched to cheaper. A brand called Main. And she said, 'Every time I sell this, I have to think of Steven King.' And yes, she knew that Maine has an e at the end.

Shorter RenB: We have exchanged many pleasantries over the past years, if short. They have much traffic and there is little time.

So I went in on my way home today, just desolated about what other costs are going to come of my forgetfulness, and she was completely concerned. 'Are these your keys?' And they were. I had competely forgotten that I had been in there to get Peter his local version of your 'TV Guide', and left them on the counter. (Only our versions of TV Guide has naked ladies in it. One of my friends was shocked, I tell you SCHOCKED. He wished his wife could see our depravation, so I said, 'Well take it back with you, the new one is out tomorrow.' And he said, Can I get through immigration with this? And I said, 'How the fuck do I know? Haven't been there in a decade.' )

Whatever, that little lady gets flowers, and chocolates and a bottle of champagne tomorrow. And that isn't even expensive in comparison to what she helped me save.

And people are often not so bad as you think.

Just sayin'

Snoopy Dance!!!!!!!

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