Have been quiet....

There is a lot that bothers me muchly... The photo was my moment of Zen for the day... waiting for the bus in Gamlitz. Imagine living in that house, and having a huge vinyard outside that is so steep, I'd go nuts trying to drive a tractor through it. Which I actually saw last week, and it creeped me out....

Yeah I finally got to Gamlitz. After a hectic morning, because I had to go to Peter's Graz apt, and pick up a small bag he needed, and some sundry items. Was running late, so took a taxi, spent five minutes rifling through the apt. and grabbing what he wanted and getting the friggin' mail.

All the while having the heat of one thousand suns for angry inside, because yesterday I learned he is going to be forcibly de-lodged from his Graz apt next month, as he conveniently did not pay the rent.

Leave it to Peter to blind-side me every fucking time. It's pathological, hey. I worked for over two years fighting bureaucracy to get him in there, for fuck's sake.

He's got some valuable things still in there, and it is like: 'oh, it can wait...' We have less than a friggin' month!

As per usual, I do NOT know what is going on behind the scenes down there.

And oh, yeah, had to lug his notebookdown therewith all the other stuff. On the train, in the bus... Because, you see, they have internet, how nice. He only got one recently,and doesn't know how to use it, actually. He wanted it to watch porn, and thought it would be easy, or something.

(Shakes head sadly... I didn't help him with that btw...)

The assistant director said I would have to turn in the computer for the service guy to put in a stop-gap so that he wouldn't be able to access their records, as it is connected to their server. Which was fully understandable to me, and caused much inner hilarity. Peter can hardly do anything with a pc.

He is still learning a left single-click from a double click. So newbie.

But I said, 'ok', and told him. Nuclear. I 'exposed' him as being incompetent. Oh boy....

The doctor down the road..... he seemingly 'fired' the normal one... came in shortly before I left, and said his sugar levels were alarming and wanted to go over changes with him, and Peter was beliigerent. I wasn't sent out of the room. That would be normal in a hospital. Will spare the details, but the new doctor wants him out of the bed and exercising more.

Peter said he had some dumbbellls to lift (sp?) and the doctor asked me if I could bring them to him. Did a rubber-neck-double-take. 'Ummm... I don't drive, have to take them on the train and bus from Graz to GET here? I don't think so. I have trouble carrying groceries before a three week horriday.)

And he said, 'Well, my wife drives to Graz every day, and could take them down here.'

I would have gladly accepted... but I do not want anyone to see his place as it is. The bed and his wheelchair are fully be-shat. Because he often couldn't get to the WC in time. It is pretty horrible.

I do not know if they will take him on as a charity case. And everything is up in the air again, when wasn't it.

If you are young, it is an adventure. If you are getting old, it is just.... the pits.

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